Tuesday 4 December 2012

I feel like I've been here before

So here I am, starting a journey on the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation Program and like the title of this opening post says, "I feel like I've been here before".

Back in 2009 I did a 12 week challenge at the local gym and had some pretty impressive results.  These are my before and after shots.

Weight: 85.8kg to 71.7kg

Chest: 99cm - 90.5cm
Thigh: 71cm - 61cm
Waist: 86cm - 70cm
Hips: 116cm - 98.5cm

Skinfolds (pinch)...
Biceps: 25 - 9
Triceps: 33 - 19
Subscapular: 26 - 13
Suprailliac: 32 - 17
Abdominal: 38 - 20

Body Fat %: 38.7% - 35.3%
Lean Mass: 61.3% - 64.7%

Beep test: Lvl 2.2 - lvl 11.1
Sit ups in 1 min: 23 - 53
Push ups in 1 min: 29 - 63

As you can imagine I was pretty happy with myself, work done, time to relax... and then pile on over 30kgs in the next 3 years.  What a waste.

However, as soon as the pre-season tasks opened up and I was hit (rather smashed over the head with a brick) with what this program was really about I knew it was different.

To be completely honest I almost gave up before I started.  I was being made to say/do/think things I had been blissfully ignoring for far too long.

BUT!... I did start, and I'm still going and am so ready to meet this challenge head on, not just for the 12 weeks, but for the rest of my life.  I've got 3 kids I need to look after and be an example for!

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