Saturday 15 December 2012

Scales and why I don't have them... yet.

One of the things I was anxious about with the 12wbt was the requirement to weigh in each week as I have not had a good relationship with scales in the past.  Correction.  My behaviour in the past with scales has been... let me just tell you the story.

I used to own scales. I used to get on the scales... at least a half a dozen times every day.  I'd weigh myself when I first got up, before I ate, after I ate, after I went to the toilet, before I exercised, after I exercised. Basically if I had done anything that could affect my weight I would get on my scales.

Dangerous.  Eating disorder dangerous.  If the numbers went up "too much" after a meal (and too much could be 100g) I would make myself vomit, or do 100 crunches, or run on the spot for half an hour or I would binge.

I realized myself my attitude and behaviour were dangerous and I got help.  As mentioned in a previous post I have depression so I was able to get treatment through my existing counsellor.

So how does this fit in with the 12wbt program when it is suggested you weigh yourself weekly in the morning while naked?  Well I don't do that.
I do weigh in but I use the scales at the gym and obviously weigh in my workout clothes.  They're a pretty cool and liberal bunch but I doubt I'd get away with the weigh naked thing!

You know what?  The scales don't scare me in the slightest now. I know it's not all about the one number.  I love this picture that a friend posted on Facebook recently.

I'm in a far better place now. I think even if I had a gain I would be able to tell myself it's ok because I can now do the Pump squat track with 15kg/do almost 50 knee push ups in a minute/can make it through an entire Attack class without having to fake the need to go for a pee.

I still don't trust myself to have scales in my house in case I wanted to get on them every day but they no longer rule me like they did. Yay me!

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