Saturday 29 December 2012

I'm not a morning person

The perfect fantasy morning for me goes something like this...
I awake after falling asleep easily and peacefully with a gentle yawn and stretch.  I roll over and there on my bedside table is a fresh brewed double shot flat white with skinny milk.  I'm also alone in my bed because unlike most mornings I haven't awoken to two extra little people in my bed with a toe up my nose and a knee wedged in my butt crack.

Reality bites.

That's me on the left.

I've started trying to get up early and hit the 5.45am group fitness classes at my gym.  I think my strike rate sits around 50%.  One morning I actually got up when the alarm went off, went downstairs to get dressed and... woke up on the couch an hour later. Oh dear. Fail!

The gym I go to has a bit of a hiatus at the moment for the holidays on classes but not wanting to break the momentum of (trying to) get up and get physical early in the mornings I've decided on early morning walk/runs.

Last night I googled for the sunrise time and decided I wanted to be up to see it. 4.53am. Ah CRAP!
The alarm went of at 4.30am, I opened one eye. Ugh! It's raining?! Five minutes later it's stopped.  Internal conversation "I don't want to get up" "GET UP!" "But I'm tired" "Kelly, get that ass outta bed and JFDI!!" "Ok, Ok! I'm up!"

And I'm so glad I did.  What a reward to see this.
The view from right outside my front door

Hello Sun!

Morning rainbow

I did a 5km wun and am now facing the day feeling fantastic.

Wun: (Noun. Adjective)
Not a walk, not quite a run. "Wun Kelly, Wun!"

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic photos! sorry to say I was still in bed at that time :(
